The Kids in Quarantine was a parody video created to engage and entertain. Over two weeks, dozens of high school students sent videos and recordings singing along to a scratch track (a demo of our unfinished song). Phia T (my daughter) also did a tie-in creating original hand-painted shirts that she sold on her website.
I then called in favors from musician friends across the country. Including retired Airforce Academy Drill Instructor Jeff Weir. As well as a long-time friend and ex-drummer for Maynard Ferguson and Frankie Valley, Craig Pilo. Yours truly wrote, sang, played various instruments, and conceptualized and edited the video.
The resulting video was fun to break from the monotony of school zoom calls and quarantine. It also gave everyone a place to express themselves a bit creatively. We were most excited when Kim Wilde’s brother, Ricky Wilde, who wrote the song, Kids in America, on which our parody was based, noticed our little project Twitter!