I believe everything starts with a Dream. The pursuit of that Dream leads to Adventure. Remembering those Adventures through words and pictures leads to the Stories that are our lives!

My name is Joe, known to some as Adventure Hermit. I’m happily married and a father of two great girls. If I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, it may have been at a time when I was wearing any number of hats.
You might know me as a Bass Player, CTO, Software Developer, Vice President of Operations, Motorcycle Photojournalist, Bass Player, Teacher, Writer Video Creator, Business Consultant, or even a bus driver! Let’s just say I like to keep things interesting.
I graduated from the University of Connecticut with a BFA and a Concentration in Music and Composition. Shortly after, I relocated to Colorado, where I stumbled into the worlds of Software Development, Project Management, and Business Analysis.
After many years in corporate America, I was again ready for a change. So I closed that chapter of my life and dove back into my love of travel and creative pursuits.
By embracing opportunities and sharing my stories, I strive to shrink the differences in the world and inspire others to pursue their dreams, whatever they may be. Thank you for stopping by today!